
Giving is About Making a Difference

The Summit Lighthouse® of Los Angeles is grateful for your donations.


You can donate easily using Zelle (if you have an account with your banking institution), or you can donate using your credit or debit card on the PayPal payment gateway. You may also use your PayPal account if you have one.


How to Donate

To donate with Zelle, go to your own bank account, click on Zelle, and send your donation to

• If you have a PayPal Account, click the PayPal button below, login to PayPal and complete the donation.

If you do not have a PayPal Account, click the PayPal button below, then click “Donate With Debit or Credit Card,” and complete the required information.

To setup carefree giving with recurring monthly tithes to The Summit Lighthouse® of Los Angeles, click the button below, and check “make this a monthly donation,” then fill in the donation amount. You then have the option of using your PayPal account or your credit or debit card.

Please note that the day you set up your account will be the recurring date in the future.

We thank you for your generosity.