We’ve Got a New Home! – Volunteers Needed

Dear Community Members,

It is with great pleasure that by God’s grace and your prayers, we finally found a location for our Teaching Center. The address is 4075 E. Live Oak Ave. Arcadia, 91006.

Before we start activities in this new location, we need to do some remodeling (add walls, windows, and doors to better utilize the space). We hope to have everything ready by the end of the month, but we need your help to make this possible.

We are looking for volunteers for:
1)      Painting  (contact Patricia at prvirri2007@gmail.com)
2)      Cleaning  (contact Aura at 213-840-3025)
3)      Moving  (Contact Sylvia at 626-234-3851)
4)      Unpacking and organizing boxes  (contact Gayle at 626-447-4144)
5)      Donating $$$  (contact Sylvia at 626-234-3851)

If you are interested in helping in other ways, please contact the above Board members.

The monthly payment for our new place is $3200. So, now, more than ever, the Teaching Center needs your donations. You can donate online here: https://summitlighthousela.org/donate-2/

Let’s make this summer not only the time for “A New Heaven and a New Earth” but a time for a new beginning for The Summit Lighthouse of Los Angeles!

In the Light of God that never fails,
The Board of TSL-LA


The Summit Lighthouse of Los Angeles
4075 E. Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia, CA, 91006